Contact us
Get your treatment booked in
Contact us by calling or emailing and we will get you booked in.
Email us
Now your appointment is booked
Once your booked in with Arabella, she will ask you to email her and answer the question, if I could help you in any way how would that be? Share with her anything you feel is relevant, be it physical or emotional.
The Alchemists
When you arrive
When you arrive at the Alchemists for your treatment you will be enveloped by the warmth of words that adorn the walls.
The treatment begins
Unlike other clinics who will treat you for your symptoms. Arabella uses her ability to connect to your life force/prana (your energetic vibrations) which is believed to contribute to physical, emotional and psychological well-being, to find any blockages or imbalances which can lead to various forms of illness or discord. The problem isn’t always what you believe it to be, and this is why a visit to the Alchemists is unlike any other clinic you’ll visit.
After your session ends
Once you have visited the Alchemists, we hope you will no longer require our services. The goal at the Alchemists is to heal you and your body as a whole rather than treat individual parts. There are obviously cases where more than one session will be required but Arabella will be able to talk you through this after your first session.